What will check the battlefields of dung? What will the fortune really look like? Will it mirror the calm steel of desert storms or of dribble blobs boring the laziest and the flustered? For in this head as in all, I, ears the ring of misspelled science and of the whine of un-cooperatives. On the other hand quite a joyous individual and social psyche who dreams of lightening and birds. Needless to say, I am a huge sports fan. Summer is my favorite season. Black is my favorite color.
Let us leave one on one side of Spain’s eight centuries of spiral dancing, and one on the other. Let us lean them against the fill and cracks and circles of the Moors. Let us leave them on the Muslim’s portrait of the Wakan. Nothing looks great next to nothing (TBTG (thanks be to God), it always has, and it is not going to change this season. All this was seen by him while he whip beat wedding cakes and ground salt. Urine, rather like the wise investor and not unlike the speculators who are only familiar with a particular small clock, pond frond, or of the obscure and unanimous consent of mankind (let us suppose the continuity is plausible and not true).
So, I propose that we all shoplift jelly and copy the copy of others words. At this rate it will be a mere 3000 years before our questions are finished. This is universal of the I and I (the I in I), it points to the readings of theologians and quail. For as any respectable ichthyologist can assure they both sing the winds that wing that war, and spring the ills of the conceptual orders of presidential mis-procedure.
And now, before completely concluding and bidding my readers firewall a fond farewell, I will remain a clam and speak of the rifles and for the flowers. Those same flies teach their maggot children techniques that also apply to the upholding of laws and of the enforcement of tradition. All the while they seed in the fields in front of the center of the agencies that target rings of international crime and drug, aka “the legion of doom”. It is no wonder rational thought, emancipated skirts and all theology is vast and that all of the heat space there… must be there and that the swelling in this hour is unique and perfect. Consciousness knows itself. Not only is it very important, it is broadly necessary to know how to scale ourselves ridiculous, not only for early to bed but also for richer and wiser until nothing real happens. Friends, this can not be done just for the seventh generation but for others who sit behind or to the south, looking this way or that. Or if you are of the mind, you know that I just said the same thing without changing a single word.
Of all the mad who store and storm the land of the nuns, opium, and wine, I offer the one thought that I do not know. Hale Bop is the only representative who ever returned to earth. So I swear I am weary, and most anxiously awaiting the new scratches of vandals, all the while I feel rescued and safe from the cruel and cunning. I on the other hand have had the great ability in many ways. So I encourage and insist all… “Tell the Empress that reluctantly I will spare the woven and the wolves of Istanbul if she will pay me fourty four dollars and forty four cents. Like all demons, they are sick and tired of the increase in rent caused by the overpopulation of the lower levels. So screw you and go to heaven.
Refraining from tears and sugar, I have prematurely surrendered them for lint. And from this lint I shall make a small rabbit. I tell my worn shoes to enter the competition that the goat Shepard suggested. I vow to cook those skins that stretch and shade over the eyes of the army marching from forgotten place to forgotten place. All ways I will take into account the accounts of the head, and encourage the One to advise your end of the agenda of opposition. But beware the bear blown whistle of ripe and decisive technology, repetitive training, and the end game damage caused by my stay in cooling towers and fare warning of the effects of fat exercise-books upon one’s co modified avatar and well fortified face and shaded eye. I know that it is protected by basins of signatures. And I being a pacifist, shall take up the red button and fiddle with the numbers until I can get the bird in the air. But in the mean time I encourage all to write instructive chapters divided by blank pages concerning the broken leadership of noise and mend the relation ship. This can be done by pushing the green button next to the tree. This must be done before the stir begins to modernize the Middle Ages. If it is not, the tribes of barbarian’s (so called because of their lack of broadcast quality), shall cook their vessels and serve them in pairs. These terms obviously show that she paid, and that she saw that cute is sooner than better.
The rest of this conversation shall rudely passes as a visit not important. Dominions now embraced the wrung balance of a hushed Asia. We know now that he walks retired to his palace at Samasara. This dwarfs in all ways the draw of the strong and of the political developments that are photon beamed by the ray guns, beginning with the dog’s boner, and ending with the middle of the heard which was bred last century. It is all measured anatomically by the courageous time pieces that had become the King’s court. He of course was the one who had signed the book that the governor had stolen from the somatic provinces in the north sky. The pig said that counting was for pigs. However, upon a closer look, I agree.